Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Duta Besar Jerman untuk Indonesia melihat rumah Tjong A Fie.

Duta Besar Jerman Paul Baron von Maltzahn/

Dzulmi Eldin, vice Mayor of Medan City/Wakil Wali Kota Medan

Harian Analisa
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Saatnya Nikmati Wisata Keliling Rumah Tjong A Fie

Oleh: Muhammad Arifin

Bagi anda hobi rekreasi dan traveling menikmati panorama indah dan pemandangan menyejukkan menjadi kenikmatan sendiri. Tapi, untuk liburan kali ini, tak salahnya mencoba beralih dengan petualang baru melihat warisan sejarah yang tetap utuh di Sumatera Utara khususnya di Medan.

Mungkin perjalanan yang bisa anda pilih paket city tour, atau wisata kota. Di sini Anda akan menikmati peninggalan-peninggalan sejarah yang dulu pernah mengalami era keemasan. Dari banyak tempat sejarah di Medan rumah Tjong A Fie di Jalan Ahmad Yani No 105 menjadi destinasi yang rasanya wajib dikunjungi.

Data yang dilansir dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Medan disampaikan Kepala Dinas Drs Maju Siregar melalui Sekretaris Arjuna Sembiring S.Sos menunjukkan kunjungan wisata mancanegara ke Medan mencapai 150.000 orang pada 2008.

Angka ini cukup menggembirakan karena turis asing ternyata lebih senang melihat tempat-tempat bersejarah. Lho...bagaimana dengan kita sebagai warga Medan. Pernah kita berkunjung ke tempat-tempat sejarah? Pertanyaan itu mungkin bisa Anda jawab sendiri.

Wisata Keliling Rumah

Malam terus beranjak dan terasa dingin, tapi di kediaman Tjong A Fie Jalan Ahmad Yani Medan suasana tampak begitu hangat dan penuh kekeluargaan. Rumah ini tampak begitu ramai dibanding rumahdi sekitarnya, maklum malam itu digelar Gala Dinner, Coctail Party dan Resital Piano plus Opera Turandot dalam rangka In Memoriam Tjong A Fie: 150 Years Heritage Exhibition.

Hadir Duta Besar Jerman untuk Indonesia, Baron Paul von Maltzahn, Kadis Pariwisata Sumut, Ir Hj Nurlisa Ginting MSc, Sekda Medan, Drs Dzulmi Eldin S,MSi didampingi sejumlah staf dan Senior Manager Area Garuda Indonesia wilayah Barat, Arief Wibowo.

Terus apa sih yang menarik di rumah tua tersebut. Anggie Prawira cicit Tjong A Fie anak dari Fon Prawira menjelaskan, masyarakat Medan bisa menikmati rumah tua yang kondisinya masih asri dengan asritektur yang menawan. Di sini, kata Anggie Prawira selama pameran akan ditawarkan wisata mengelilingi rumah Tjong A Fie dimana pengunjung bisa menyaksikan 250 foto aktivitas selama kehidupan Tjong A Fie.

Melihat benda-benda peninggalan dan ruangan yang sering digunakan Tjong A Fie seperti ruang makan dan dilengkapi foto suasana makan besar. “Pengunjung nantinya akan dipandu satu orang guide untuk mengelilingi rumah dan cerita sejarahnya,” katanya.

Selain itu, bagi pengunjung yang hanya ingin bersantai-santai panitia juga menyediakan fasilitas Wifi dan bazaar selama sebulan. “Setiap pengunjung yang ingin mengikuti tour keliling rumah silakan datang mulai 19 Juni-18 Agustus,” ujarnya.


                                 Wakil Wali Kota Medan Dzulmi Eldin mendengar
                                       sejarah Tjong A Fie dari Fon Prawira cucu Tjong A Fie

                   Foto dari Kiri:  Binaman Kasan, Duta Besar Jerman Paul Baron von Maltzahn 
                                         dan Kadis Kebudayaan Nurlisa Ginting.

Keunikan rumah Tjong A Fie memang tidak ada duanya, turis asing saja rasanya tidak puas jika ke Medan tak mengunjungi rumah Tjong A Fie. Paling tidak itulah yang dirasakan Duta Besar Jerman untuk Indonesia, Baron Paul von Maltzahn, dia datang ke Medan hanya ingin melihat perkembangan rumah Tjong A Fie. Sebelum dipugar dia juga pernah menginjak rumah tokoh multikulturalisme.

Dia mengaku, sangat tertarik dengan peninggalan-peninggalan sejarah. Untuk itu, dia minta agar pemerintah dan pengelola rumah Tjong A Fie memperhatikan kondisi rumah khususnya atap. “Atapnya harus diperhatikan karena apabila atap rusak dan roboh semua tidak ada artinya.

Selain itu keramiknya agar tahan hendaknya dilapisi karpet,”usulnya ketika berbincang-bincang dengan Kadis Kebudayaa dan Pariwisata Sumut, Ir Hj Nurlisa Ginting MSc, aktivis alumni Jerman Binaman Kasan Dipl Inform. 

Baginya Kota Medan merupakan kota yang cantik dan satu-satunya memiliki rumah paling tua di Indonesia dan berharap tetap dibuka untuk umum,” katanya.

Sedangkan Binaman Kasan aktivis alumni Jerman mengharapkan dari kegiatan ini kedua budaya dan tradisi masyarakat akan lebih dieratkan. Dan kunjungan Dubes Jerman dapat menjembatani eratnya kegiatan pertukaran seni dan budaya, kerjasama dalam bidang teknologi dan pendidikan serta memperkenalkan kepada wisatawan Jerman bahwa Sumut sebagai daerah yang memiliki tempat-tempat bersejarah pantas dikunjungi. “Mudah-mudahan dapat terbentuk Forum Komunikasi Indonesia Jerman sebagai wadah untuk mempererat dan saling membagi informasi antara warga Kota Medan dengan masyarakat Jerman,” kata Binaman Kasan.

Sementara Sekda Medan Drs Dzulmi Eldin S, MSi mengatakan sejarah Kota Medan tidak terlepas dari sosok Tjong A Fie. Menurutnya banyak kontribusi yang diberikan Tjong A Fie terhadap Kota Medan seperti membantu Masjid Raya Al Mashun, Masjid Bengkok, Kereta Api Deli, Balaikota Lama, Gereja di Jalan Uskup Agung Sugiopranoto, Kuil Buddha China di Brayan dan lainnya.

Untuk itu, Pemko Medan tetap memberikan perhatian dengan memasukkan Tjong A Fie sebagai destinasi tujuan wisata dalam brosur-brosur pariwisata Medan serta bantuan lain. “Sumbangan kepada Yayasan Tjong A Fie bisa dilihat direkening,”ucapnya dengan senyum sumringah. Yuuk...saatnya kita nikmati wisata daerah sendiri!

  Duta Besar Jerman Paul Baron von Maltzahn/


Dzulmi Eldin, vice Mayor of Medan City/Wakil Wali Kota Medan

Forum Komunikasi Indonesia Jerman (FKIJ)

Forum Kommunikation Deutschland Indonesien

Sumber: http://www.analisadaily.com
Photo : http://www.artgazine.com



ISKA/ Indonesische Katolische Akademiker

Hendrik Halomoan Sitompul:
Ketua/ Vorsitzender der ISKA (Ikatan Sarjana Katolik Indonesia. Sumut) als auch 
Anggota DPRD Medan/ Stadtabgeordneter Medan City

Binaman Kasan:
Wakil Ketua ISKA / Stellvertretender Vorsitzender



  PERIODE 2010-2015





Mayoral Candidate Must Possess Vision Mission and  
                Solution to Develop Medan City

Medan, Harian Analisa  date 03.04.2010

Chairman of Forum Komunikasi Indonesia-Jerman (FKIJ) Binaman Kasan, Dipl.-Inform said that Medan city still faces many problems which have not shown any serious reform and significant improvements.

                “I assess and feel that the development and improvement of Medan city is still running in place until today. It does not show any significant progress in facing many problems that exist, what is seen looks like the onset of injustice and disadvantage experienced by Medan residents,” said Binaman Kasan to Analisa in Medan, Friday (2/4).

                Binaman says Medan city is more mature in age, but it does not show any increase in well-being and quality of life, as well as better and cleaner urban planning, which should have been enjoyed by its citizen long time ago. However there occurs clutter and government bureaucracy was not in favor of the people.

                He mentioned, ranging from traffic congestion that is getting worse - consequently wasting fuel / increasing in transportation fare -, sustained power outage, (-severely) damaged road infrastructure and not the expansion or development of roads and urban transport.

                Some other things that also need serious attention from the candidates for mayor of Medan, namely employment (unemployment and poverty), expensive health and education costs. Very unfortunate, local government bureaucracy to obtain family card, ID card, birth certificate until business licensing - not least for investor from overseas -.

Fundamental issues and solutions

                One example of environmental and hygiene, encouraging waste recycling industry in Medan by attracting investors from outside – with mutually benefit cooperation-, can also create new jobs for scavengers or unemployed.

                Most importantly, he said that the industrial sector that can boost economic growth in the region and accommodate labor. “It’s not too difficult.., if our downstream palm oil industry, can be developed and boosted by local leaders by bringing in investors,” added Binaman.

                Here FKIJ and their staffs can also bring and bridge the cooperation and investment with countries of Germany and Austria. The Industry and technology are ready to be implemented.

                He said, a superior product that is also the largest export of Sumatera is palm oil. Strangely, raw materials such as CPO (Crude Palm Oil), are exported abroad. Instead the selling price can be much higher, if the derivatives can be cultivated in the area, to serve various downstream products such as edible oils, soaps, cosmetics and so on.

                In addition, the CPO export Tax through Belawan Seaport – hundreds of billions of dollars per month – that had been entered into APBN (Central Government, National  State Budget ) will turn into local revenues PAD (Local Government, Medan City Budget). Certainly will be more useful and profitable to the citizens of Medan for infrastructure development and employment, but it is an additional revenue for local government.

Figure of Prospective Leader / Mayor

                He added, entering the stage of the Regional Head General Election. Medan city residents would expect a leader who can solve the problems faced, care and responsible towards its citizens complained of suffering. “We will be proud, having Medan Leader period 2010-2015 with figure of good character, honest, brave and committed,” he said.

                Binaman also confirmed the new leader in PLN (State Electricity Generation Company) to be taken as an example of relevance to the future mayor who will be chosen that is a figure that is very commendable. “Mr. Dahlan Iskan PLN  President Director. He is able to do new and revolutionary breakthrough to overcome the problem of power outages in North Sumatera. Thanks to his concern, awareness, seriousness and high commitment, then the outage protracted over the years can be resolved immediately to this day,” he said.

                Just imagine, all this time people are helpless, silently suffering and could only hear promises from PLN North Sumatra that is always filled with a variety of reasons for blackout, ironically like an effort to trick the people of North Sumatra.

                “Another step, new innovations will also be applied by Mr. Dahlan which were not done by the predecessor, in the future, the power plant can also be developed or managed by private (privatization) to meet the electricity demand in North Sumatra,” he said.

                Binaman questioned, why nearly 30 years PLN use more oil as the fuel, as the oil is expensive – like burning cash money- , while other alternative power plants, there are many more that can be developed by using coal  or gas.

                Meanwhile Renewable Energy, our nature is rich with geothermal, hydropower, wind power, and also solar power. Just imagine, PT Inalum Asahan is using hydropower for 30 years, does not require fuel, isn’t  it?  Also is environmentally friendly and cheaper in price, due to the wealth of natural resources that we have.

                Addressing these issues, Binaman Kasan said, the need for the 10 pair of contestants of Medan upcoming mayoral candidates, first must know and understand about the various problems being faced by the citizens of this region. (maf)

PLN, Perusahaan Listrik Negara,  Indonesian State –owned Electricity Company

PT. Inalum, Indonesian and Nippon  Asahan Aluminium, An Aluminium Smelter and 
producer Company in Kuala Tanjung. A joint venture company Japan and Indonesian.









Awaiting Leaders that Care for the Environment

                In a few days, the 2009 presidential election campaign will start. Almost certainly, the three pairs of presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate will take advantage of this socialization phase as much as possible.

            Because the fact is, let alone the campaign period. Even before the campaign period, socialization by the three presidential candidates / vice have been so intensively carried out by the success team. Including in North Sumatra.
            It can be seen that the attributes from the three presidential candidates / supporting parties have been fluttering in some streets. The scenery is visible from the city center to the outskirts of Medan city. In fact, the condition is similar to the previous Legislative campaign time.
            For the Medan residents, they certainly expects that the three success teams of presidential/vice presidential candidates can avoid campaign pattern like in the past Legislative Election campaigns. At that time, the Legislative candidates and parties have done a very non- environmental friendly campaign.
            Just imagine, 38 political parties, raising the various forms of attributes. Worse, there were also campaign from thousands of legislative candidates from various parties, including DPD (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah) candidates. They “raise” their own attributes. There were billboards, banners, pictures, posters, stickers and so on.
            The area to stick and hang the attributes are practically all over the places. No exception for any existing trees on the edge of the road. Therefore, it was so hard not to see the tree that is not nailed to install the attributes for campaign.
            DPP chairman of Golkar party, Burhanuddin Napitupulu, have said that, if only trees could talk, it would probably cry. It is because all around its body was nailed to the installation of the campaign attributes.
            Referring to that Legislative Election experience, it is much expected that there will be no longer similar case in the Presidential Election campaign later. This would require the awareness of all parties. Particularly, the campaign for the three presidential/vice presidential success team. Because, these success teams are the spearhead for these three pairs in socializing themselves.
            Election authorities, namely the General Elections Commission (KPU) – even including the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), also has a very important role in creating a campaign that is friendly to nature. This can be done through anticipatory action to create rules / restrictions firmly. Not only that. Even if possible, the rules to be accompanied by sanctions to those who violate the law.
            The success team should have the awareness that, nailing a tree to put up campaign attributes, not only destroy the beauty and damaging the environment. But more than that, it also hurt another innocent living creatures. In fact, these living creatures have given many benefits to human life.
            The success team also need to understand that planting and maintaining trees have an equally important meaning in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. In other words, maintaining and caring for existing/growing trees, is much more difficult than planting them.
            Therefore, as the implementation of Tree Planting Movement, the whole society and local governments are expected to hold a “Movement to Save the Tree” and “Maintaining Environmental Sustainability”. It is time to increase awareness of the maintenance of existing trees. Because without good care, it is difficult for urban trees to grow and develop properly.

Environmental Conservation Program

            But, this is the attitude that has been rare to be found. Because in fact, human action in destroying the environment is so wild. So far there has been no political leaders of this country that are willing to make it happen. At least visible in the programs offered to preserve the environment. There has been no leader in this country who has a real program to realize the green ecology & development.
            Similarly to the political elite, they did not have the calling to conserve the environment. It can be seen, from 38 political parties in Indonesia, none of the green party bearing the “Green” logo with the motto of Go Green & Go Clean.
            At least as green-oriented party, which has a clear vision and mission towards care, attention and awareness of the environment that is green, healthy and clean. For example, create jobs and drive the technology to promote the implementation of recycling process, wet and dry garbage separation -made from paper, glass and plastic-. Also serious attention is needed to tree planting, maintenance / care and saving trees that have flourished and grow large.

Green Party

          Indeed, something like this existis in the developed countries. For example, in the Federal Republic of Germany with its green party named “Buendnis 90/die Gruene”.
            At this time, the green-based party (die Gruenen) is one of the opposition parties that have won the national popular vote by 8.1% in September 2005 election. Survey agencies in Germany predicted that at the September 2009 election, the Green Party is still going to reach around 10.5% of the vote.
            One of the contributions made by the green party to the people is unpolluted air, clean water and free from toxic chemicals, energy saving and healthy environment. Since the care and awareness with knowledge and morality of the people towards the environmental sustainability is relatively high, it is very useful, so it receives huge sympathy from the citizens of that technology based country.


            In addition to that, other things that also need attention in an effort to preserve the environment is, traffic-related matter. Congestion which has become a classic serious problem, not only cause air pollution and global warming. But also result in a change in the weather, which is unnatural as scorching heat and instantaneous rainfall and rising temperatures on the surface of the earth (the earth heats up). In fact, we have entered a stage of the climate crisis. Another serious problem is the waste of nation’s and people’s money. This occurs because almost every citizen of Indonesia require transportation.
            Imagine, a trip that should take 10 minutes, due to the traffic jams it takes 20 minutes to 30 minutes. Sometimes even more. Everything becomes more expensive, isn’t it?
            While fuel was subsidized by government through APBN (nation’s budget). Plus people also have to spend more cost/money (increased fuel wasted on the road, spare parts breakdown) for each application or use  Vihicles and transportation, which all caused by congestion.
            Then what if the fuel subsidy funds by the National Government allocated for support facilities, the expansion and development of road infrastructure, urban area  and find a solution  for traffic congestion? In addition to relieve the cost of living of the people, the economy of the country will run more effectively and productively. Congestion always causes stress, loss of time and energy/money, not to mention traffic accidents, air pollution and so on.

            Then what else to wait? As Environment Day on 5 June 2009, the campaign team should begin to start with a campaign that is friendly to environment. So, from now on the people of country can hope for leader who care for the environment. Moreover,for newly elected people’s representatives, while running his period later, must do more powerful controlling. Hopefully!

Penulis/Editor adalah alumnus Universitas Jerman,
Pengamat Teknologi dan lingkungan hidup
Email: binaman.kasan@yahoo.com

 Medan, Harian Analisa, date 16.06.2009




Written by Binaman Kasan

President/Vice-President Candidates Success Team are Encouraged to Keep Environment during Campaign

              The three pair of President and Vice President Campaign team are encouraged to conduct the campaign in environmentally friendly way and do not harm the beauty of the city with various campaign attributes.
On the other hand, the voters, are expected to pay attention to the support given to the candidates who care about the environment during the campaign.
Thus said by the environmentalist, Binaman Kasan Dipl. Inform in Medan, Tuesday (16/6).
This German university graduates was disappointed with the previous Legislative Election campaign. At that time, he added, all over the city was so chaotic due to many attributes of the campaign, both attributes from thousands of legislative candidates or political parties. “Imagine that there were 38 political parties to campaign. While the legislative candidates reached thousands of people. Can you imagine how chaotic Medan city at that time due to the attributes from the political parties and legislative candidates,” he said.
It’s not a surprise if at that time, there was almost no empty place without campaign attributes. Including every single tree at the side of the road. “So much so that it was so difficult to see any tree that is not nailed with / installed with attributes of campaigns parties and legislative candidates,” then he illustrated, “the tree was used as a passive voters who do not have voting rights”, said Binaman Kasan.
He wishes that the success team to have an awareness, nailing the trees to put up the campaign attribute is not only disrupting the beauty and damaging the environment. But also, hurting innocent living creatures. Yet this creatures have provided many benefits to human life.
According to him, the success team also need to understand that planting and maintaining tress have meaning that are equally important in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. In other words, maintaining and caring for existing or growing trees, is more difficult that planting them. This needs serious attention to anticipate the emergence of new problems. “Planting a million trees, only a thousand can grow.”
Rare Attitude
                He considered this attitude has been rare. Because in fact, human action in destroying the environment is so brutal. Because, in fact, so far there has been no political leader is willing to make it happen. It would be nice, if one of the programs offered includes preserving the environment.
            “Unheard of future leaders of this country that has a real program to realize the green ecology and development. As well as the political elite, they did not have the calling in preserving the environment,” he said.
            From any of the 38 political parties in Indonesia, none of the Green Party bearing the “Green” logo with motto  Go Green and Go Clean  likewise in the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria with the green party named “Buendnis 90/die Gruene” or so-called “die Gruene”. The party is green-oriented, has a clear vision and mission of the care, attention and awareness of the environment that is green, healthy and clean.

  Jennifer Lawrence and Marco T. Raditya,  FKIJ Liaison  in Singapore

   Christopher Hew, FKIJ Liaison  in United Kingdom, UK